Hi Puzzlers,
Let the countdown begin! There are 25 days left till Christmas! Or, it might be 24 days if you celebrate the big day on Christmas Eve. In any case, how many of you have thought about wrapping your presents? Have you already purchased your paper or thought of a way to, “hide”…oh...I mean, showcase your present? It may seem like a trivial item, but, wrapping paper may be the most important thing you buy for the holiday season. Has wrapping paper ever saved you?
It is a sad, but true fact, that at some point during your lifetime you will need to purchase a present at the last minute. You know the present; the one you hoped would stay wrapped until you left. It is that last second present you had to buy for Aunt Ethel who just decide to join you for tonight’s Christmas gathering. Yeah, it’s starting to come back to you isn’t it. You remember running to the only store still open, 7-Eleven, and purchasing the dreaded fruit cake or whatever that was. You remember driving home like a mad hatter, dashing to the box of wrapping paper and creating a masterpiece of deception! “Oh my, this present is so beautiful, the paper, the bows and ribbons; simply stunning! I just can’t open it now!”
Diversion tactic number 2: The Yankee Swap. The invitation said up to twenty dollars, but your budget says up to seven dollars and twenty-eight cents. What are you going to do? You deploy the “Aunt Ethel.” Wrap your present in the finest most enticing paper you have. Ooh! Look at that gorgeous foil paper, and that satin ribbon makes it look extravagant! At the party that gorgeous presents gets picked first. Great!!! As all the other presents get unwrapped everyone has conveniently forgotten all about the chinchy can of mixed-nuts. Don’t you just love wrapping paper?
Our next tip is for the re-gifters. When resorting to the fine art of re-gifting it is imperative to not, I repeat NOT, make the present look enticing. You will want to use that cheap, almost see through paper you bought on clearance that looked like a good deal. Then, take a used bow, YES USED, and attach it to the center with tape, and make sure the tape shows. Next, have your youngest child, (if you don’t have one borrow a neighbors) address a sticky label. Allow the child to place it anywhere on the present they want. This way if the re-gift gets noticed, you can blame it on the kids or in some cases the neighbor’s kids. Viola! Re-gifted like a pro.
Puzzlers as you can see by these examples, wrapping papers are a must for all your holiday festivities.
Happy Puzzling!