Hi Puzzlers,
It’s that time of year again here in New England when the moose begin to come out. Growing up in the Great North Woods area, or “Moose Country” as the locals like to say, has given me many opportunities to see moose. They are magnificent creatures.
Moose are the tallest mammal in North America measuring 6-7 feet from shoulder to feet! Female moose can weigh 800 to 1,300 pounds with males weighing 1,200 to 1,600 pounds. All moose have a bell sway, which is a flap of skin beneath their throats. It looks like a Goatee to me. The adult male or Bull Moose has antlers that stretch out to 4-5 feet. If you are ever lucky enough to find one of these antlers in the woods they make great serving trays/platters. Very rustic!
To maintain its body weight the adult moose must consume over 9,700 calories a day. All moose are herbivores and enjoy dining on twigs, leaves and the buds of hard and soft wood trees and shrubs. Moose also like to feed on aquatic plants like water lilies. So if you ever drive by a pond and see a moose in it, don’t be surprised when it sticks its head under the water to find a yummy snack. They can also completely submerge themselves under the water for as long as 30 seconds and can swim as fast as six miles an hour.
Moose have terrible eyesight but their excellent hearing and sense of smell guide them through the forest each day where they can travel up to ten miles a day. They are most active at dusk and dawn, so be careful driving. Remember moose mate in the fall and males can become aggressive. Should you see one, stay in your car and let him pass. Moose can run as fast as 35 miles an hour and trot at 20 miles an hour!
If you are planning a visit to the Great North Woods I would highly recommend booking a Moose Tour!
Happy Puzzling!
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