Hi Puzzlers,
We have a great new puzzle by Mark Karvon titled “Space Shuttle” and I have to say it is one of my favorites. As a kid growing up I was a big Star Trek fan and I still am. Once a trekkie always a trekkie! I spent many nights watching Captain Kirk, Spock and the crew, explore the universe. I was fully immersed in the scenes, imagining I was on the other planets investigating aliens as a member of the crew. I continued my space odyssey with the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine (DS9) and Voyager, which finally had a woman captain, Captain Kathryn Janeway! Shows like this really do take you away from it all!
I feel fortunate that space travel began during my lifetime. NASA and its scientists have definitely begun to “boldly go where no other has gone before” and have allowed us to learn so much about space. Just think- we thought Pluto was a planet all this time and it is actual a dwarf planet! And, just recently, what about that rogue satellite-Galaxy 15, which lost contact with ground control after a solar flare probably fried its brain. Not to worry- it is on a course to interfere with satellites that transmit to Luxemburg. Sorry Luxemburg - no TV for a few nights!
Luckily for us, astronauts on the Space Shuttle perform several different types of jobs in space. Their duties include work for the military, private and business sectors, as well as building, maintaining and repairing of the International Space Station (ISS). We may need to add chasing rogue satellites to this list soon.
“The launching, repairing and maintenance duties for objects like the Hubble Telescope, as well as military and commercial satellites, are carried out as needed.” Only trained astronauts are able to leave the shuttle and perform space walks. Without question, the riskiest and most specialized job that an astronaut can do in space is space walking, otherwise known as EVA or Extra Vehicular Activity.”
I would have liked to say that I am adventurous enough to have been one of the first astronauts but, truth be told, I’m not. I am so grateful to all the brave souls that have been the first to boldly go where no human has gone before and I feel privileged to watch all of their triumphs.
Happy Puzzling!
We have a great new puzzle by Mark Karvon titled “Space Shuttle” and I have to say it is one of my favorites. As a kid growing up I was a big Star Trek fan and I still am. Once a trekkie always a trekkie! I spent many nights watching Captain Kirk, Spock and the crew, explore the universe. I was fully immersed in the scenes, imagining I was on the other planets investigating aliens as a member of the crew. I continued my space odyssey with the Next Generation, Deep Space Nine (DS9) and Voyager, which finally had a woman captain, Captain Kathryn Janeway! Shows like this really do take you away from it all!
I feel fortunate that space travel began during my lifetime. NASA and its scientists have definitely begun to “boldly go where no other has gone before” and have allowed us to learn so much about space. Just think- we thought Pluto was a planet all this time and it is actual a dwarf planet! And, just recently, what about that rogue satellite-Galaxy 15, which lost contact with ground control after a solar flare probably fried its brain. Not to worry- it is on a course to interfere with satellites that transmit to Luxemburg. Sorry Luxemburg - no TV for a few nights!
Luckily for us, astronauts on the Space Shuttle perform several different types of jobs in space. Their duties include work for the military, private and business sectors, as well as building, maintaining and repairing of the International Space Station (ISS). We may need to add chasing rogue satellites to this list soon.
“The launching, repairing and maintenance duties for objects like the Hubble Telescope, as well as military and commercial satellites, are carried out as needed.” Only trained astronauts are able to leave the shuttle and perform space walks. Without question, the riskiest and most specialized job that an astronaut can do in space is space walking, otherwise known as EVA or Extra Vehicular Activity.”
I would have liked to say that I am adventurous enough to have been one of the first astronauts but, truth be told, I’m not. I am so grateful to all the brave souls that have been the first to boldly go where no human has gone before and I feel privileged to watch all of their triumphs.
Happy Puzzling!
This is a Galaxy 15 update. Looks like it might effect US TV after all! May 31-June 1. I'm glad I'm a puzzler becuase if it happens I will still have something fun and entertaining to do.